Writing and Publishing Blog


Hi, I’m Danny. Welcome to my writing and publishing blog!

I am the author of two published historical fiction novels, Son of Babylon and Saviour of Babylon, with more on the way in that series and also a novel about the third crusade in the later stages of development.

I’m also a beta reader, developmental editor, proof reader and writing coach. You can find more information about my services on the services tab. My day job is teaching English and ESOL teacher, and I’ve been doing that since 2008.

All that experience means I’m in a good place to pass on a few tips! Here you can find a series of articles on writing and publishing that I hope are useful and interesting to budding authors…

Articles on improving writing quality

Why authors should study body language

Writing thrilling fight scenes in novels

Boost your daily word count

Boost your writing productivity

Writing dialogue with accents

How to enhance readability

Articles on structure and content

Choosing the right novel structure

How to avoid info dumps in your novel

Writing the perfect opening line

Articles on historical content

Does historical fiction have an obligation to educate?

Authentic weapons in fiction

Historical errors

Articles on marketing and publicity

How to self publish your book!

10 book marketing strategies I’ve tried!

Author interviews

Historical Novel Society Author Interview

ManyBooks Author of the Day Interview

Atmosphere Press Author Interview

Recommended reads

Recommended reads: these books are all by authors I have personally worked with during the editing process, as a beta reader, editor or proof reader.