
Babylon Series

Saviour of Babylon is available for pre-order now!

Here is what people said about Son of Babylon, Book 1 of the Babylon Series!

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The kindle version is available on Amazon Unlimited for free. If you aren’t a member of that programme, you can buy it for £2.46 / $2.99.

The paperback version is also out (IBAN: 9798857863121) and priced at £9.46 / $11.99. Be sure to use your local Amazon site to reduce post and package fees.

See more reviews for Son of Babylon

Son of Babylon is also available in two independent bookshops in Barnsley: Foster’s Little Book Shop on the Arcade, and The Book Vault on Market Street.

Reviews on Sites

Daniel Pugsley – Son of Babylon – Raven の Nest (

Upcoming books in the Babylon series

Saviour of Babylon (Out 14th May 2024)

Protector of Babylon (coming in late 2024)

Warrior of Babylon (planned for mid 2025)

Defender of Babylon (planned for early 2026)

Enemy of Babylon (planned for late 2026)

Publicity for Son of Babylon

For more details about my plans for the series, please click here

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