
  • Editorial Reviews

    Daniel Pugsley – Son of Babylon – Raven の Nest ( Son of Babylon is the first book of a saga that will bring us back to the 18th century BCE, following the life of the young Bani in Babylon. For the beginning of the series, I have to say we are really off to…

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  • Old Babylonian Weddings

    Introduction In Son of Babylon, we see an old Babylonian wedding, and the feast following another. In researching this chapter, I leaned heavily on the work of Dr Samuel N Greengus, and his article Greengus, S. “Old Babylonian Marriage Cereminies and Rites.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 20, no. 2 (1966): 55-72 I will not include…

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  • How to Self Publish a Book!

    This article will show you step by step how to self publish your book!

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  • Does Historical Fiction Need to Educate?

    Introduction Authors of historical fiction have the unique ability to transport us to different eras, making history come alive in ways that textbooks and documentaries often cannot. However, as the popularity of historical fiction grows, so does the debate surrounding the ethical responsibilities of authors in educating their readers versus taking creative liberties with historical…

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  • How to Avoid Info Dumps in Your Novel

    In this article, I’ll explore how to avoid info dumps and keep your readers hooked from start to finish.

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  • Reviews for Son of Babylon

    Amazon / Goodreads / NetGalley Reviews An absolute gem of a historical adventure! From the very first page, I was hooked… The reader can almost hear the clash of swords and feel the tension of the character’s struggles… I can’t wait to find out what happens next… A great historical read on a piece of…

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  • Publicity for Son of Babylon

    Local newspaper articles! Barnsley Chronicle College’s English teacher publishes novel | Barnsley Chronicle We Are Barnsley Teacher’s novel way to inspire students | We Are Barnsley Major US news networks’ regional affiliates reporting the release of Son of Babylon! Digital Journal ABNewswire ABC NBC CBS

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  • Writing dialogue with accents

    Introduction Crafting dialogue with accents can be a powerful tool to bring your characters to life, but it can also be challenging to strike the right balance. In this article, I’ll explore some valuable tips and techniques for novelists to write dialogue while maintaining readability and avoiding stereotypes. Study authentic speech patterns To write convincing…

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  • Boost your daily word count

    Introduction In this article, I’m going to share 10 tips I found that can boost your daily word count as a writer. I can’t say I have incorporated all of them, but some of these definitely helped me with Son of Babylon! 1. Set clear goals One of the fundamental keys to writing more words…

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  • Writing thrilling fight scenes in novels

    Introduction When crafting a compelling novel, fight scenes play a pivotal role in adding excitement and suspense to your story. However, writing them effectively can be challenging. In this article, I will share some invaluable tips for perfecting your fight scenes, ensuring they captivate readers and keep them on the edge of their seats. Establish…

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