
  • Atmosphere Press Author Interview

    This is an author interview I did with Atmosphere Press. I was one of the winners in a competition on Instagram for the most interesting writers and novels. Each winner got an interview to help them promote their story and their work. Who/what made you want to write? Was there a particular person, or particular…

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  • ManyBooks Author of the Day 29/11/2023!

    Daniel Pugsley – Exciting Historical Adventure Set in Babylon | ManyBooks Posted on 29th of November, 2023 by Naomi Bolton Daniel is a history nerd with a passion for all things historical fiction. As an English and ESOL teacher, he spent a decade living in Italy, Japan, Poland and the UAE. He is now back in…

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  • 10 Book Marketing Strategies I’ve Tried!

    Introduction As authors, we all want as many people as possible to read our books. However, in a saturated market, it takes a lot of effort to get noticed. Marketing a historical fiction novel is especially hard. Some research suggests that on average, you need to get in front of as many as 1,000 people…

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  • Editorial Reviews

    Daniel Pugsley – Son of Babylon – Raven の Nest ( Son of Babylon is the first book of a saga that will bring us back to the 18th century BCE, following the life of the young Bani in Babylon. For the beginning of the series, I have to say we are really off to…

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  • Publicity for Son of Babylon

    Local newspaper articles! Barnsley Chronicle College’s English teacher publishes novel | Barnsley Chronicle We Are Barnsley Teacher’s novel way to inspire students | We Are Barnsley Major US news networks’ regional affiliates reporting the release of Son of Babylon! Digital Journal ABNewswire ABC NBC CBS

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